Still City Blues – Colectivo Ergo Sound
Still City Blues
Still City Blues (2018) is a music, performance and video meditation that claims silence and stillness in the midst of traffic fury, that wistfully searches affection and contemplation amongst the noisy urban crowd. We could say, quoting Gaston Bachelard, that the piece aims to “replace action philosophy, that often is a turmoil philosophy, by a rest philosophy” as a preliminary task for “a pedagogy of imagination”.
Colectivo Ergo Sound
Format per Alberto Bernal, Pedro Pablo Cámara, Manuel de Pablos, Gala Pérez Iñesta, Pedro Pablo Polo, Alessandra Rombolá i Rubén Vejabalbán, COLECTIVO ERGO SOUND és una iniciativa que pretén generar noves experiències sonores mitjançant l’extensió de la música de creació cap a altres camps com l’escena, el videoart, la performance o les altres músiques.